Early Learning and Education

Child Care

Families living in Manitoba on a permanent or temporary basis are eligible to access licensed child-care services:

  • Centre-based child care for infants, preschool children and school-age children.
  • Home-based child care providers who offer child care in their own home for up to eight children and can offer child care for up to 6 children, not including their own.
  • To search for child care options and available child care, please go to the Manitoba Child Care Search at https://childcaresearch.gov.mb.ca/.
  • The Child Care Subsidy Program provides provincial support to eligible families to help with the cost of care by reducing child care fees for children from the ages of 12 weeks to 12 years.
  • Your eligibility depends on various factors including:
    • income
    • the number and age of your children
    • the number of days required for care
    • the reason for care
  • As part of “the reason for care” all newcomers to Manitoba are eligible for child care subsidy. Applicants can be approved for up to 1 year, depending on the family’s reasons for care. If they have no income they will be fully subsidized and only responsible for the non-subsidized fee, up to $2.00 per day. Families should contact the Child Care Subsidy Program at cdcsubsidy@gov.mb.ca or (204) 945-8195 for information about how to apply.
  • The provincial Inclusion Support Program is an additional service available for families whose children who may require extra support. The Inclusion Support Program offers a range of services to support a child with additional needs. This includes children with disabilities, chronic health needs and behavioural and emotional needs.

Children with Disabilities

Children’s disABILITY Services offers a variety of resources and supports to parents to assist them to care for their children at home in their own communities, where children grow and thrive. Children’s disABILITY Services offers a range of services and supports. Eligible children must also have a medical diagnosis confirming one or more of the following conditions:

  • intellectual disability
  • developmental delay
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • lifelong physical disability
  • high probability of developmental delay due to a pre-existing condition

To apply to the program directly complete the Referral and Intake Application form and submit it, along with diagnostic assessment or medical report, to the regional Children’s disABILITY Services office in your region.

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