Information Sessions

Business Investor Stream

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) holds monthly information sessions on the Business Investor Stream to serve the needs of potential immigrant business investors who wish to explore the opportunity to immigrate and invest in Manitoba through the MPNP.

Our experienced MPNP business immigration officers will assist you with

  • identifying your business research objectives pertaining to your Business Concept
  • adopting the methodology, planning and accessing resources that can maximize the efficiency of your research activities in Manitoba
WhereManitoba Provincial Nominee Program
7th Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1N3
WhenThe first Tuesday of each month, until further notice
CostCAD $100 plus GST (5%) per participant, including one accompanying adult family member

“Family member” refers to an accompanying spouse or common-law partner or dependent children. Please note that due to the nature of this session, we are unable to accommodate individuals under the age of 16.
PaymentWe accept credit card payments on the day of the event. Cash or cheque payments are not accepted.
LanguageEnglish (French is available upon request)
Topics coveredProgram overview and doing business in Manitoba

Important: When you register for the session, you must have the necessary travel documents (such as a visitor visa) required for travel to Manitoba, Canada. The MPNP does not provide letters of support for visitor visas.

Registration process

To register, please email the following information to

  • Choice of the date of the session
  • Your country of residence
  • Participant’s name
  • Family member’s name
  • Passport number
  • A copy of your valid travel documents (visitor visa or ETA)

Important: You will be required to present your confirmation of registration/passport on the day of the event.


  • Attendance at this session will have no bearing on your Expression of Interest (EOI) score or on the overall assessment of any future nomination application through the MPNP.
  • If you wish to include this session in your itinerary for an exploratory visit, we recommend that you do not make any travel plans until your receive the confirmation of registration.
  • This session is designed to serve the needs of potential immigrant business investors who wish to explore the opportunity to immigrate and invest in Manitoba through the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program’s Business Investor Stream. Preference will be given to potential immigrant investors to Manitoba interested in the MPNP.
  • All other individuals interested in attending the session who do not receive a confirmation of registration may contact our office within 5 working days of the session date to request a seat. Registration for any available seats will be on a first-come, first-served basis upon request. Please be advised that the Immigration Division does not maintain a waiting list for event registration.

Skilled Worker Stream

Please be advised that information sessions for the Skilled Worker Stream of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program are discontinued until further notice. Please contact us with any questions you may have relating to the MPNP.

If you are in Winnipeg and want to learn more about applying to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program’s Skilled Worker Stream, you are welcome to attend a free, public information session.

To attend an information session, you must first register. You can register by phone at 204-945-2806, in person at our office, or by email at Space is limited.

WhereManitoba Provincial Nominee Program
7th Floor, 213 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1N3
WhenEvery second Thursday from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
CostSkilled Worker information sessions are free. There is no cost.
LanguageEnglish only
Program overview: Skilled Worker in Manitoba and Skilled Worker Overseas Pathways
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