Fact Sheet – Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)

Regulated profession (NOC 2021)
Regulatory bodyCollege of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba (CRPNM)
Regulated titles
  • Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)
  • Graduate Psychiatric Nurse (GPN)*

*Interim title (nursing program graduates typically hold an interim title during the period between graduation and licensure).
Membership associationsThe Manitoba Nurses Union (MNU) represents all categories of licensed nurses in Manitoba.

The Philippine Nurses Association of Manitoba (PNAM) offers support to internationally educated nurses from all countries. Supports include information sessions, job fairs, and skills review.
Registration processSee CRPNM – Internationally Educated Psychiatric Nurses.
Credential assessmentThe CRPNM refers internationally educated applicants to the National Nursing Assessment Service (NNAS). See the NNAS Applicant Handbook for details.
Professional competency profilesSee CRPNM – Entry Level Competencies.
Essential skills profileGo to Job Bank – Explore careers by essential skills, search for the occupation via name or NOC code, and view the essential skills profile.
Employment outlookGo to Job Bank – Explore job outlooks, search the occupation name or NOC code, and view employment outlook by provinces and regions across Canada.
Job search toolsView job postings by regional health authority:

To search job postings in any occupation, visit Job Bank or Work in Manitoba.
Related occupations/alternate careers (NOC 2021)Below are examples of occupations in healthcare settings:

  • 33109 – Other assisting occupations in support of health services
  • 44101 – Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
  • 42202 – Early childhood educators and assistants
  • 33102 – Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
  • 42201 – Social and community service workers
  • 41201 – Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
  • 41210 – College and other vocational instructors

While each occupation will have its own set of employment requirements, none are regulated occupations in Manitoba and therefore do not have certification/registration requirements with a professional regulatory body. Employers often, however, require applicants to have job-specific experience, training, and/or certification. Always check the hiring criteria carefully. Hiring criteria is set by the employer and will vary from employer to employer.
Last updated December 2022.


  1. This fact sheet serves as a guide and will be updated periodically. When researching information on professional registration processes, always refer to the regulator to ensure accurate, up-to-date information.
  2. The Government of Canada updates the National Occupational Classification (NOC) every five years. At present, users can access four versions of NOC (2021, 2016, 2011, and 2006) on the NOC website. When searching an occupation on the NOC website, always use the most recent version (NOC 2021).
  3. The regulatory body is the only organization that can grant entry into a regulated occupation via registration and the issuing of a licence or certificate. Other organizations (e.g., national bodies, regional bodies, membership associations, etc.) are not regulatory bodies.
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