Expression of Interest (EOI) Draws
Skilled workers: The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) conducts regular draws under its Expression of Interest (EOI) system to invite candidates in the EOI pool to submit a full application to the MPNP. For more information on the EOI system and how to submit an EOI, please click here.
Business investors: EOI draws for the Business Investor Stream are not currently being conducted. All EOIs received are reviewed within four weeks. The MPNP will issue either a Letter of Advice to Apply if the EOI meets the Program’s requirements or a feedback letter if the EOI is unsatisfactory.
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 175
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 673
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 449
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 547
Expression of Interest Draw #13Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 150
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 692
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 390
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 548
Expression of Interest Draw #12Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 126
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 694
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 598
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 549
Expression of Interest Draw #11Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 125
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 698
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 477
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 553
Expression of Interest Draw #10Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 100
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 499
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 356
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 556
Expression of Interest Draw #9Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 100
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 506
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 272
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 558
Expression of Interest Draw #8Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 100
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 545
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 242
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 560
Expression of Interest Draw #7Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 125
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 550
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 361
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 562
Expression of Interest Draw #6Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 174
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 575
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 292
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 570
Expression of Interest Draw #5Read More »
Skilled Worker in Manitoba
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 111
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 670
Skilled Worker Overseas
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 105
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 578
Expression of Interest Draw #4Read More »