Procedural Fairness

Procedural fairness applies to all Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) applications received on or after April 30, 2015, replacing the request for review (RFR) process. It provides applicants with an opportunity to respond to the Program's concerns prior to a final decision being made on their application.

In cases where an application is being considered for refusal, a procedural fairness letter (PFL) will be sent to the applicant (and their representative, if applicable). The applicant has 30 days from the date of the letter to submit additional information to address the concerns identified in the letter.

The PFL is the only opportunity given to the applicant to address the Program's concerns. Any additional information provided at any point within the 30-day period will be taken into consideration before the officer issues a recommendation on the application. If no response is received, a recommendation is issued with the information available on file. All recommendations are reviewed by at least one other officer before the decision is finalized.

If the application is refused, the applicant has no further remedy and must submit a new Expression of Interest if they wish to reapply to the MPNP. In cases where the applicant has been found to have engaged in misrepresentation, they may be subject to a ban that prevents them from submitting another application to the MPNP for a period of two years.

Request for review

The request for review (RFR) process applies only to applications submitted before April 30, 2015.

If you applied to the MPNP before April 30, 2015 and were issued a refusal letter following the assessment of your file, you may submit a request for review (RFR) by providing sufficient evidence to demonstrate that our assessment of the information and supporting documents you provided with your application was not consistent with MPNP criteria on the date your application was received.

All supporting documents must be submitted to the MPNP at the time of application. Applications that fail to provide sufficiently detailed, credible and legible documentation will not be assessed. The MPNP will not consider an RFR on the basis of information or documents received after an application has been assessed.

However, applicants may reapply to the MPNP after six months from the date of their refusal letter, provided they can demonstrate they have addressed the reasons their previous application did not result in nomination.

Before you submit an RFR, please note the following:

  • An RFR can be made only by the applicant or their authorized representative.
  • The MPNP must receive your RFR no later than 60 days after the date of the refusal letter.
  • The RFR must provide sufficient details to indicate that our assessment of the information and supporting documents you provided in your application was not consistent with the MPNP criteria in effect at the time of assessment.

The MPNP will not consider an RFR when

  • submission of new information or documents is the basis for the request;
  • strength of relationship to a Manitoba Supporter (that is, the Manitoba resident endorsing your Settlement Plan) or having a weak connection to Manitoba was the main reason for our decision not to nominate;
  • having stronger ties to another Canadian province was the main reason for a decision not to nominate; or
  • the applicant claimed higher language ability than demonstrated by the results of an MPNP-approved language test submitted in the application.

How to submit a request for review

To submit a request for review, download and fill out the request for review form and email it to the MPNP at

After our review is completed, we will mail the applicant (and their authorized representative, if applicable) a written notice of the result.