The Manitoba government is providing a total of $4 million to 24 newcomer service provider organizations whose projects were selected through the Newcomer Community Integration Support (NCIS) program – Newcomer Community Connections Stream, Labour and Immigration Minister Jon Reyes announced today.
“Attracting and retaining new immigrants has been identified as a key factor in Manitoba’s post-pandemic economic recovery,” said Reyes. “This funding supports our government’s vision of a skilled and talented Manitoba, a key component of which is to welcome newcomers and ensure they are able to participate fully in the community and contribute to a growing economy.”
The NCIS program provides financial support to projects that enhance the social and economic integration of newcomers. This program offers a total of $7.1 million in funding this year including $3 million for Manitoba Start and $120,000 for Recognition Counts. In February, the Manitoba government announced it was accepting applications for the Newcomer Community Connections Stream, which will receive $4 million in funding.
The $4 million in funding, which doubles last year’s investment, will be distributed amongst 24 successful projects. Of the approved projects, the Manitoba government is also making a three-year funding commitment to 12 projects, ensuring there are no interruptions to the delivery of programs that represent a baseline of services that are essential to the settlement and integration of newcomers to Manitoba.