February 2022

Expression of Interest Draw #137

Skilled Worker in Manitoba

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 206
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 612

International Education Stream

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 33

Skilled Worker Overseas

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 39
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 685

Of the 278 Letters of Advice to Apply issued in this draw, 66 were issued to candidates who declared a valid Express Entry profile number and job seeker validation code.

Manitoba creates new immigration advisory council to guide improvements to provincial policies, programs

A new advisory council on immigration is being created to serve as an expert panel to recommend improvements to current immigration policies and programs, Premier Heather Stefanson and Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration Minister Jon Reyes announced today.

“As committed to in the speech from the throne, our government has a bold plan to incent investment, foster job creation, improve education and training opportunities, all to facilitate economic growth and get our economy fully on track. We know immigration and a diverse workforce contributes to a strong economy,” said Stefanson. “This new advisory council will help us look at new and innovative ways to continue to be a welcoming new home for all newcomers, including refugees and international students, a dynamic destination for immigration and business investors, and an attractive place for people to come to build a life of opportunity and prosperity for themselves and their family.”

The Immigration Advisory Council, to be co-chaired by the minister and Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, will review the entire continuum of immigration, from promotion to retention of newcomers. It will provide clear recommendations and concrete actions to the Manitoba government including strengthening the Canada-Manitoba Immigration Agreement by looking at options to include new annexes or memoranda of understanding. Additionally, the advisory council will focus on:

  • building on promotion to attract and recruit more immigrants and business investors to the province;
  • streamlining the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, especially with regard to setting the right balance between the province’s regional labour market, economic development and community needs; and
  • fostering Manitoba’s settlement and integration programs and services, as well as foreign credential recognition programs, to encourage labour market attachment, improve foreign credential recognition and bolster immigrant retention.

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Expression of Interest Draw #136

Skilled Worker in Manitoba

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 202
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 615

International Education Stream

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 40

Skilled Worker Overseas

  • Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 31
  • Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 705

Of the 273 Letters of Advice to Apply issued in this draw, 68 were issued to candidates who declared a valid Express Entry profile number and job seeker validation code.

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