Manitoba permanently reopens the Skilled Worker Overseas Pathway and introduces process improvements
On April 30, 2015, the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)’s Skilled Worker Overseas Pathway reopens permanently for new applicants. In addition, the MPNP is introducing improvements to the way it manages applications, aimed at ensuring future intake pauses are not necessary and making the program both faster and more responsive for all applicants.
Our new Expression of Interest approach to application management is designed to provide faster processing for those with the skills needed in Manitoba’s labour market. Starting today, all skilled workers interested in applying to the MPNP will be able to create an Expression of Interest as their first step to immigrating to our province. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria of one of the MPNP’s existing program streams, Skilled Worker Overseas and Skilled Worker in Manitoba, will be accepted into a pool of prospective applicants, where they will be ranked according to various factors, including their language proficiency, education, work experience, and their connection to Manitoba and other parts of the country. The highest ranking skilled workers will be invited to submit a full application to the MPNP during regular draws from the pool.
The Expression of Interest system will allow Manitoba to quickly identify those candidates with the highest likelihood to succeed as economic immigrants and to process applications of those who best meet Manitoba’s changing labour market needs faster.
For more information, please visit the Expression of Interest page on our website.
At the same time, Manitoba is introducing a Procedural Fairness process to make it easier for applicants to the MPNP to respond to concerns with their application. Currently, applicants can only submit a request for review of a negative decision AFTER the decision has been finalized, and only if they meet specific and limited criteria. Through the new Procedural Fairness Process, applicants will have the opportunity to respond to and address any concerns about their application before a final decision is made, resulting in a fairer and more transparent decision making process.
For more information on how the Procedural Fairness process works, please visit the Assessment page on our website.